The Pumpernickel Files

The old website has been dormant for nearly two years; I won’t go into all the reasons. However, I have opened up the shop and dusted off the keyboard, and we’ll see where it leads this time.

Over on the AV Page I have posted two new MP3 files. They are called RT Stories and Pumpernickel. The two audio recordings more or less speak for themselves, but I will provide here a brief introduction.

I am now a retired Respiratory Therapist. I began training on-the-job in 1970, and I worked in a wide variety of healthcare facilities over the ensuing forty-eight years. RT Stories is a very small collection of incidents that I like to remember. They involve children who have had an impact on me, and believe me, I could have recorded hours more such stories.

Pumpernickel is another similar story, except that my association with him lasted ten years. He became for me a surrogate son. His story warrants a special place, and special treatment. One day, when I’m able, I will write in fuller detail, the Pumpernickel story.

You see, I received word that Pumpernickel has passed away at the age of 15, so his earthly journey, and my part in his story, is at an end. But the story as I have related it, needs to be told, so here it is.

Author: StEnoch